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Neue Publikation: Shrine Pilgrimage in Northeastern Iran: A Study on the Forms, Impacts, and Significants of the Visits

Mehdi Ebadi

Dear colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to my latest Book:

''Shrine Pilgrimage in Northeastern Iran: A Study on the Forms,  

Impacts, and Significants of the Visits''

series: Tourismus - Beiträge zu Wissenschaft und Praxis

Bd. 8, 2015, 200 S., 44.90 EUR, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90568-0

One of the most obvious and striking features of Iran is the presence  

of numerous shrines. Millions of Iranians come to visit these shrines,  

which besides religious and spiritual significances have enormous  

cultural, historical or architectural importance for their visitors.  

Among the most important shrines in Northeastern Iran, is the shrine  

of Khaled Nabi, which occupies a special position among Iran's Turkmen  

minority. This work seeks to gain an understanding about the general  

approach of the visitors to Khaled Nabi as a religious pilgrimage  

and/or a secular tourism destination.

Thanks and best wishes



Dr. Mehdi Ebadi

Geographisches Institut

Universität Heidelberg

Berliner Str. 48

69120 Heidelberg

Tel.: +49 6221 54-4604